On the official Maho newsworthy items scale that may interest would-be travelers to Maho, this story rates at about a 1 out of 10 if you've never been here before. For those that have vacationed or lived here it might jump all the way to a 1.5 out of 10. Sometimes it just takes a slight change in our usual patterns here on the island for us to start getting curious and talking, and this was definitely the talk of the morning here at Maho during breakfast!
This morning at about 6:15am my eyes awoke to an unusual sight, while my ears awoke to an unusual sound: waves crashing at Little & Big Maho, and white caps in the middle of the bay. The sound of waves at the beach isn't particularly abnormal, it happens every month or two during the winter, but in all of my years here I can't ever remember a time when I saw waves breaking out beyond Cinnamon Cay. Waves breaking beyond Cinnamon takes the perfect swell as well as the perfect wind and perhaps even the perfect moon (a Hunter's Moon today). The swell is NW, while the wind is SW this morning. Nobody here at Maho (even those here more than a decade!) can ever remember a time when waves were breaking beyond Cinnamon. Needless to say, Johnson's Reef is pretty wild this morning. Looking carefully you can see quite a few white waves beyond the one breaking wave in the foreground of above picture.
Related yet even more obscure and ranking a possible .5 out of 10 on our Maho newsworthy items scale that may interest would-be travelers to Maho, are the breaking waves at Great and Little Tobago next to Jost Van Dyke and a part of our view from the Pavilion Restaurant. While it's interesting to watch the waves breaking at Little Tobago, it's even more interesting to see the wave action in the foreground just before Little Tobago; imagine Johnson's Reef only much smaller and in the middle of the ocean between Little Tobago and Whistling Cay. It's rumored to be called Kings Rock, which is normally a shallow area of water in the middle of the ocean never really seen or talked about. In fact, I don't think most boats would need to concern themselves with it if sailing in the area (this is not a confirmed source!). The point is that this swell action we have this morning is giving us a brief "view" of what lies beneath the surface out near Little Tobago.