Pictured below are Bear & Bean, and if they look tired there's a very good reason - they left their home in Fish Bay yesterday and have been traveling on foot (paw?) to Maho for the past 24 hours. The pictures are from 2 months ago, this past Thursday was their 7th such trip to Maho!
For those not familiar with the island, Fish Bay is a LONG way away from Maho. The route most likely taken would be Fish Bay to Reef Bay, down to the smoothie stand on Centerline, Francis, then Maho. This can't be confirmed though because we've had reports of seeing them on the Johnny Horn trail and at Annaberg prior to them trotting down our driveway and anxious for fresh water. Any way you look at it, they travel long and hard to visit us each week. The first time took a day to figure out who the owner was, but now we've got her number on speed dial. Pictured below is Kelly, their owner, who has now made plenty of trips to Maho retrieving her pups.
The reason they come here is unclear, but judging by the pictures above they seem to enjoy relaxing on our couches in staff section before Kelly shows up!