"Scott - this is what Michelle uses to eliminate any sand fleas in our bedding. We sprinkle some on top of the bottom sheet every other day. We also sweep the tent everyday to limit the amount of sand in the tent"
Is it snowing where you are? We’ve heard the weather gets cold this time of year, though our beach-filled weekends make it easy to forget sometimes. In the States, if I remember correctly, the air is crisp and cold. You can even see your breath floating away slowly as you scrape ice from your windshield. You get into your warmed-up cars and turn on the radio, which is either playing holiday music or urging you to take advantage of a million last minute sales. You drink things like hot apple cider or gingerbread lattes
and they warm up your hands. Everywhere you turn, there are red bows and green garland and twinkling, snow-covered lights. December is not very subtle in the States, is it?
Things are a little bit different around here. One day, we are comparing tan lines on a sunny beach and the next day…well, the next day, it’s Christmas. It sort of sneaks up on us. Don’t get me wrong, we try. We let Bing Crosby sing to us about White Christmas dreams, but he is usually interrupted by Bob Marley and his Three Little Birds. We rock around our mini-trees and make hot chocolate on our Coleman stoves. Our screened windows are lined with multi-colored lights, and many of us have found a place in our little tents to hang stockings. We dress up our tank tops with Santa hats and take a staff picture for the Maho newsletter. And on December 25th, the 60 members of the Maho staff sit down to Christmas dinner with 300 other people.
It might be a little less than traditional, but we are lucky enough to have a makeshift family of our own and persistent enough to inject as much holiday spirit into our coconut flavored lives as we can.
There are things that we miss, obviously. Personally, I am jealous of those gingerbread lattes. Also, snowball fights and red mittens. We miss our families and we think we miss snow days, though we probably wouldn’t feel that way were we to actually encounter one. But we have traded pine trees for palm trees and hot apple cider for cool Caribbean showers, and all in all, St. John gives us a pretty good December.
It may not quite feel like the holidays at home, but then the holidays at home don’t quite feel like Maho.
FareCompare’s When-to-Fly Flexible Calendar Search makes it easy to find the the best price for your trip. When you are shopping for flights, simply select “My dates are flexible” and FareCompare will show you the cheapest days and times to fly on your preferred departure date, as well as other dates near that date.
When you’re planning a trip, the best way to save when booking your flight is to shop using FareCompare flexible calendar search. FareCompare When-to-Fly flexible calendar instantly searches hundreds of date and length of stay combinations, allowing you to instantly compare dates and times, to find the price that fits your budget. And it’s easy as 1 – 2 -3.
1. Choose your destination and preferred flight dates. When you search, select the “My dates are flexible” checkbox.
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The dates highlighted in the calendar are the cheapest days to fly in the thirty days surrounding your preferred departure date. To change your departure date, simply click on the price in the calendar.
3. Choose your length of stay. Instantly compare prices for your selected departure date. The FareCompare When-to-Fly Flexible Calendar Search easily lets you compare prices and departure dates, eliminating the need to ‘hunt and peck.’ FareCompare completes the equivalent of hundreds of searches with one-click.
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You can continue to shop for flexible days, simply repeat the process until you find the price that fits your budget. To be sure you always get the best price, signup for FareCompare When-to-Fly Airfare Alerts or get real-time When-to-Fly tweets on Twitter.
Maho Bay Clay Works is making some replicas of ancient Taino ceramic artifacts for display and education in an exhibit at the archaeology lab at Cinnamon Bay. Most of the artifacts were unearthed in the dig adjacent to the old stone warehouse on the beach at Cinnamon.
The project is being funded by Friends VINP and directed by Park Archaeologist Dr. Ken Wild, this is a wonderful opportunity for Maho Bay potters Gail and Stephanie (Stephanie pictured).
For more information or to contact Maho Bay Clay Works: http://www.mahobayclayworks.com/ and mahobayclay@earthlink.net
In the meantime, there has been quite a bit of activity right outside of our Textiles department. Apparently we have some newlyweds expecting shortly and they've been busy building the nest - mostly out of string and fabric stolen from out textiles tent! These bananaquits don't have the same discriminating taste in water views as our store friends, instead they'll have a great view of all our guests moving about the main boardwalk.
With the picture on the left you can see a piece of string hanging out of the beak, gathered (or stolen!) not more than 5 feet away from the tent in the background & our creative textiles staff.
Pictured Below: you can just barely see a little yellow beak popping out of the nest, trying to enjoy the ocean view.
Let us not forget the regular maintenance crew either. We have a few new faces this year and they are a motivated bunch. Along with the old familiar faces in the department, we are here to give you the service you’re used to at Maho Bay Campground.
Pictured above & below, because we couldn't decide which photo was best, we have from left to right Tom, Mr. Joe, Clay, Matt, "G", and Bryan