I was stumbling around the New York Times online this morning just to see what Travel news there was for the Caribbean and the Virgin Islands. I was hoping there would start to be an increase in awareness and coverage of our islands since we have added over 100,000 airline seats coming next season through Jet Blue and an increase in American Airlines flights through Miami (all of this adds up to potentially lower fares!). There was nothing new for me to check out, but, I did see right there on the
St. John page of the Times Travel section quite possibly the
best article ever written about Maho. Of course I've read it before, numerous times actually. If I could have it turned into a pillow case, I would sleep on it (Christmas gift anyone?). As I skim the text again, it really makes me want to take off the nametag, turn off the walky talky i'm attached to, burn the collared shirt, and check-in to a tent for the week. This is an especially odd feeling because I do happen to live on property.......in a tent. But, as wonderful as my life is, vacationing at Maho Bay is not something that can be replicated just by being on property each and every day.
A few Septembers ago a young guy with thick framed glasses, a v-neck tshirt, and a british accent asked me if he could interview me for his blog. I obliged, but honestly not with anywhere near the same furvor that I would have had he asked to interview me for the front page of Sunday's travel section for the NYT......lesson learned, humility grasped. Benji and I chatted for quite a while, probably longer than needed but it was mid afternoon and the temperature difference between the office and the outside where more work beckoned was probably 20 degrees factoring in humidity. He had tons of questions and wore out that pen on the small pad he was carrying. Needless to say, my attitude about blog interviews has drastically changed for all of eternity.
Looking back on the article, I realize that even in 2009 a topic of interview discussion was the impending ending date of the lease. It didn't feel the same in 2009 though. There was time for our Neo (Matrix), Jake Sully (Avatar), Frodo (LOTR), or the kid with the Knuckle Puck from Mighty Ducks 2 to come in and make everything better. But alas, that article still gives me chills. Whether you have just returned from Maho or are planning next years vacation or have stumbeled upon our Green Musings by accident, take a moment to read or re-read the article. I promise it will bring you right back here at your desk, in your cubicle, or on the train via your iphone.
Note: When sending someone a thank you gift to the UK, make sure you send money for the customs duties they are going to have to pay to recieve it.